Implants (17 session)
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Implants list

Implants are divided into three groups.
You can install only one implant from each group.


1. +30% to Small Guns. +3% to final accuracy.
2. +30% to Big Guns. +3% to final accuracy.
3. +30% to Energy Weapons. +3% to final accuracy.
4. +30% to Throwing. -2 seconds to combat timer.
5. +30% to Repair. +3% to final accuracy.
6. +20% to Unarmed and Melee Weapons. +3% to final accuracy.
Note: Combat timer can not be less than 5.


1. +35% to First Aid. +40 hit points when healing another player.
2. +10 HP. +5AC. +3% Evasion.
3. +20% to Doctor. +10 HP. +15 to Healing Rate.
4. +20% to Doctor. -2 seconds to First Aid cooldown. Immunity to Bleed.
Note: Time of FA recovery = (7500/skill) seconds.
5. +20% to First Aid. +25 hit points when healing by FA.
6. +20% to Doctor. +10 to super stimpak healing.
Note: Works only for the person having the implant and using it on self. Another player won't receive the bonus +10 HP from stimpaks when you use it on them.
Note: Works only for the person having the implant and using it on self. Another player won't receive the bonus +5 HP from stimpaks when you use it on them.


1. +100 to Carry Weight.
2. +25% to movespeed on Worldmap. +50 to Tracking
Note: Tracking = Outdoorsman.
3. +80% to Traps. +20 to Sneak.
4. +50% to Speech. Perk Replicanto.
5. +20% to Pickpocket, +20% to Lockpick. You can see HP of other players.
6. +40% to Athleticism.

Installing implants

San Francisco

To install an implant, you need to have it placed in your main hand (1st slot).
Installing from your replication balance at Eva (scribe in Brotherhood of Steel's bunker).
Prices: Combat - 50000, Medical - 50000, Utility - 50000 from replication account!

Removal of implants

Vault City

To remove the implant, talk with Dr. Andrew (doctor in the outer part of the city).Note: "You talked about the old doctor," "And what can he do?", "Wow, can you remove the implant from me?", "Remove the combat / medical/auxiliary implant".
Price: Free, but removed implant you will not receive. (Will be deleted.)

Where to find implants

Bishop's Caravan

An empty auxiliary implant in the inventory of one of the NPCs from the Bishop`s caravan.
To obtain the implant, you must kill the NPS from the Bishop caravan.

Mariposa military base

With a small chance, you can find a random implant in one of the containers.

Dangerous place

Can find one item from this list in one of the containers:
1. A random empty implant.
2. Unloading waistcoat LBV88.
3. The accumulator.
4. Electronic lens.

Enclave Exploration

Random combat and medical implant in the inventory of the Boss NPS.
To obtain the implant, you must kill the Boss NPS. To start event visit Westwood.
Note: NPC Boss is different from other NPCs by the number of HP.

Franchesca`s holodisk

When you bring the holodisk to Franchesca you can get one of items, listed below:
1. A random implant.
2. Half-top item/resource.

Abandoned warehouse in Redding

With a small chance, you can find a random implant in one of the containers.

Abandoned Cave

With a small chance, you can find a random empty implant in one of the containers.


1. You can get a random empty implant for the main quest.
2. When passing Elizabeth's quest "shooting a zombie", there is a small chance to receive as a reward an empty implant.
3. A random implant in the inventory of the Boss NPC from the enclave patrol who come during the infection and transmit their coordinates to the radio.
To obtain the implant, you must kill the Boss NPS.Note: NPC Boss looks like an Enclave soldier in APA (advanced power armor).

Novice Crisus in Vault 15 or Mechanic Morrison in Navarro.

There is a chance for an accidental empty implant in the inventory of the locked trunk of the car (more likely there are resources for the top or half-top).
The key to the trunk of the car will be in the inventory of one of the Steel Brotherhood NPCs at Vault 15 or the Enclave NPC in Navarro.Note: NPCs, guarding the car are tougher than Navarro ones, and armed tougher too (plasma, avengers, and bazookas).

Rat nest

A random empty implant in one of the containers.

Patrols of Unity, Brotherhood of Steel or Enclave

Random locations in the wasteland.
When used science on the corpse there is a small chance of getting an implant (Need to have doctor's briefcase or a paramedic bag in the active/extra slot).Note:The biggest chance to find an implant is from the corpse of the Enclave patrol.
Note: To have 1% for obtaining an implant from the corpse of an Enclave patrol, you need to have Pharmacist 4 and Biology 300.
Note: One corpse can be checked only once and after that it can not be checked for an implant or resources.
Calculations when trying to get an implant from a corpse
1. Bonus=(Biology+Pharmacist Profession (from 0 to 4)*38)
CLAMP (bonus, 0,300)
bonus <60: bonus =0
bonus >59: bonus=bonus/60.
Paramedic Bag: bonus+1

Further, the roll of the coefficient depending on the type of the critter
coef=10,12 or 15
If coef is less, then 1, coef=1

3. And, finally, three rolls on imps:
Random(0,100*coef)<2 drops imp1
Random(0,100*coef)==1 drops imp2
Random(0,100*coef)==1 drops imp3

Only one implant can be dropped. If a roll was successful, then the rest will not drop.

The maximum chance is 1% (slightly less, according to statistical error)
Max bonus - 6
So the minimum coefficient is 10-6 = 4
100 * 4 = 400 (0.1 - profit) approximately 0.5%
Plus two more rolls with a chance of 0.25%
It turns out 1%

Capture the outpost

In the inventory of NPC Boss can be found one item from this list:
1. Resource for the top.
2. A half-top item.
3. A random empty implant.
Note: NPC The boss comes on 5th wave and differs from other NPCs by the vitality and inflicted damage.

Filling empty implants


Filling from your replication balance at Gilliom.
Price: 10000.

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